I currently hold the position of Postdoctoral Fellow Researcher at the Department of Philosophy at the University of the Basque Country. My research primarily focuses on the expansive realm of embodied cognition theories and mental health, with a specific emphasis on enactive cognition approaches within psychotherapy.

My ongoing research can be categorized into two primary areas of investigation. Firstly, I am dedicated to refining the relational and process-oriented ontology that serves as the foundation for enactive theory. This endeavor involves engaging in classical philosophical discussions about the essence of mental disorders within the realm of philosophy of science.

Secondly, I am deeply involved in examining the impact of affective atmospheres, which encompass pathic, blurred, and preindividual forms of room-encompassing emotional experiences, on processes of therapeutic change. As part of a broader exploration of the relationship between health and the environment, I am further developing the concept of ‘therapeutic atmospheres’.”

My philosophical stance is deeply shaped by the frameworks of complex and dynamic systems models in psychopathology and psychotherapy, phenomenological psychiatry, and the philosophy of individuation as proposed by Gilbert Simondon. My overarching goal is to amalgamate these diverse intellectual traditions into a cohesive and all-encompassing enactive framework for understanding psychotherapy and mental disorders.

For further information, see my CV