• ENSO Seminar


    MADRID | 21-24 SEPTEMBER 2023. Thank you for the invitation to this wonderful conference where gestaltists from all around the world have gathered to share, debate, and grow together. I had the chance to meet Pietro Sarasso, Gianni Francesetti and Jan Roubal, who presented their recent paper: Sarasso, P., Francesetti, G., Roubal, J., Gecele, M.,…

  • Frontiers Research Topic

    I am glad to anounce the Frontiers Research Topic “Towards an Enactive Approach to Health” I am coordinating together with Mariana Lozada, Paola D’Adamo, and Alejandro Chaoul. Thank you for all the contributions. We look forward to seeing the RT published soon!

  • I extend my gratitude to Andrei Mărăşoiu and the Department of Theoretical Philosophy & CELFIS at the University of Bucharest for the invitation to participate in the “New Work in Participatory Sense-Making” graduate conference on June 23, 2023

  • 29 May – 2 June 2023. The conference was hosted by Center for Phenomenological Psychology and Aesthetics (CPPA) at Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen.

  • Podcast BASILIKA

    Podcast BASILIKA

    «Zer da filosofia?» galdera orokorrari erantzun lurtarra ematen saiatu gara #Besaulkia-ren laugarren eta azken saioan. Filosofiak gaur egun hezkuntzan duen lekuaz mintzatu zaizkigu Agora Elkarteakoak. Hezkuntza publikoaren defentsan buru-belarri dabilen @nagore_iturrioz @steilas_sindikatua-ko kidea gonbidatu dugu, filosofiak lekua izango duen hezkuntzak publikoa izan behar duela uste baitugu. Enara Garcia filosofoa “pentsatu daiteke gorputzik gabe?” galderaren inguruan aritu zaigu, mendebaldeko…